It all began with The Rainbow Fish. It was a popular children's book in the 90s, and the subject of one of our units in first grade. In class, we made our own rainbow fish using paper; after mine was confused for the teacher’s example, my journey into art began. I doodled my way through high school, so majoring in Art during undergrad was the obvious choice for me.

Following graduation, I wanted to help others by volunteering with AmeriCorps. This led me to a career in nonprofits; I began working at PBS once my year of service was completed. My next position was also at a nonprofit, the National Marrow Donor Program. Around this time, I wanted to start moving back to what I had always wanted: a creative career. Once I got a job as a marketing project coordinator for a balloon distributor, the pandemic hit. 

In the spirit of upending my life, I decided to move to Japan during the pandemic to teach English. All of these experiences led me to where I belonged all along: graphic design. After working with graphic designers in my position as marketing project coordinator, I realized I wanted to be the one creating, rather than the one organizing it. I decided to enroll in Madison College’s graphic design program once I completed my gap year in Japan.

My story is filled with as much variety as it is resilience and empathy. I worked with adults struggling to get jobs, cancer patients hoping to get a life-saving donation, and students trying to learn a new language. I’ve learned to take nothing for granted and to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. My sensitivity is my strength, enabling me to discern nuances and create unconventional connections. I aim to make the world a better place through thoughtful and purposeful design.
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